Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Sandman

Triathlon, Round#2. I’ve done it. I signed up for the Sandman Triathlon for September 14th. It’s in Hampton Roads again, this time at the ocean front with an open ocean swim to start off the festivities. This one took a lot of will power and much contemplation before I signed up. I just sent in my registration form on Sunday. For some reason this second go around was harder to push myself towards. Not sure if it’s b/c the pain from Breezy Point is fresh in my mind or if I’m not quite sure what the open ocean holds. I’ve been training. I only took 2 weeks off after Breezy Point but for some reason I couldn’t bring myself to sign up for this one until just recently.

I find myself searching for a drive. The Blackwoods are focused on other things right now. I’m not sure if any of them will do the Sandman but I keep hinting for someone to sign up. It’s understandable, they all have a ton on their plates. Joe is busy with swimming, as usual, Anna is busy with, well everything that Anna is busy with. School, swimming, running, more school, helping out around the house, spending time with friends and trying to figure out life. Davey is busy making music, surfing (a lot) and sleeping (a lot). Nate is in Toronto working and spending time with his friends. Tim and Mike are back from Spain (sleeping a lot) and god only knows what those two boys have planned next. I’m sure it’s something adventurous and far away. Ben is busy with school and trying to be the first official Blackwood offspring to start a career. Jesse is super busy with writing, spending time with church functions, supporting the local Carcinoid support group, and looking toward Canada for the fall, maybe Toronto and looking at doing a Tri up there with his Uncle Jamie. Naomi is back home writing her Theses and I’m sure training for something far greater than a sprint triathlon. Steven is busy with school and figuring out how to be a newlywed and husband all at the same time. Rob is busy with, well things that Rob stays busy with. His practice keeps him jumping Monday through Friday. When he’s not working he’s busy doing kettle bells, riding his bike (way faster than genetics will ever let me ride) and breaking his toe on something, maybe a kettle bell, maybe a P90X workout. And then there is Cathy. I’m not sure when that lady sleeps if that tells you how busy she is. Between being the “do everything” person at the practice, keeping sanity at the home front, watering and gardening in the AM, swim workouts, and various medical appointments, I’m sure there is sleep involved somewhere in there, just haven’t actually seen her do it yet. No matter how late or early I show up at that household Cathy is awake, ever vigilant.

Come to think of it, the Blackwoods drive me. The Blackwood’s drive me to be a better all around person, mentally and physically. I watch them go, 100 mph, in all different directions, all at once. Yet there is peace and serenity in all that madness and that drives me. That drives me to do the same for my family and push myself to my physical limits all at the same time. I constantly ask myself, what more can I do for the Blackwoods? What more can I do for Carcinoid? I don’t have those answers yet but maybe they will come. Maybe I’m doing all I can do? I don’t know but I keep searching b/c I know if I’m still searching, still pushing myself to do more then the answers will come. Maybe the Sandman will provide a new path……….


Jesse said...

You're a champ Scott. Thanks for everything.
I miss our bike rides.

Naomi said...

hey scott,
I didn't know you were doing the sandman! yes. that's what we're talking about. how was it? I seriously would have done it with you but I messed up my ankle playing frisbee a couple of months ago and haven't been able to do much of anything -training wise. it's pretty discouraging to go from being in my best shape to not being able to flutter kick for 25 meters in the pool. . . . I'm confident that I'll be ready for next year though. already looking forward to those rides with you and my dad.
hope things are well. your blogs are wonderful. what we all should be saying really.
give my love to karen and jordan.